Admission Procedure
Documents for Ph.D. Admission 2025
Students are registered in every semester irrespective of number of credits they have earned at the end of every year. However, if a student fails to complete his/her courses in the stipulated first four year (8 semesters), the student is required to vacate the hostel and complete the remaining part of credits from outside.
- If a student fails in a course, he/she will have to repeat the course in the appropriate semester when the course is on offer. He/she may prefer to register for that course, attend all classes, and undergo normal evaluation or opt to appear only for the mid-semester and end-semester examinations, with internal evaluation carried forward from the semester of regular registration.
- A student may change an elective course within the time-frame mentioned in the academic calendar. If a student fails in an elective course, he/she may change the elective when re-registering for the elective in the appropriate semester.
- The duration of the UG programme is normally four years. However, academically weak students are permitted to complete the programme in six years from the date of first registration.
- A student is permitted to register for a few DD graded courses if the CPI of the student falls below 6.0 for improvement.
- If a student fails to clear a subject in the end-semester examination, he/she is permitted to clear the same in the re-examination normally conducted within the first 15 days of the next semester. No reduction in grade is invoked if the student clears the subject in the re-examination.