The Academic Section helps to facilitate, initiate and co-ordinate the academic work of the Institute, particularly the learning and assessment of students. It acts as the repository of grades and academic records of all students. It provides administrative support to the Senate, which is the highest academic body of the Institute. The Head of the Academic Section is the Dean Academic, assisted by Associate Deans and an administrative set up under Assistant Registrar (Academic).
Prof. (Mrs.) Brinda Bhowmick (Shome), Chairman
Professor and Dean (Academics)
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology Silchar
Email: bkr[at]]ee[dot]nits[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr. Rupak Dutta
Associate Dean (Academic)
Department of physics
Phone: 8812848747 (M)
Email: rupak[at]phy[dot]nits[dot]ac[dot]in
Prof. Lalit Chandra Saikia
Associate Dean (Academic)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone: 9435173835 (M)
Email: lcsaikia[at]ee[dot]nits[dot]ac[dot]in
Sri Bijan Nath
Associate Dean (Academic)
Department of Mathematics
Email: bijan[at]math[dot]nits[dot]ac[dot]in
Under Graduate Programmes
The duration of the programme leading to B.Tech.degree is four years. The curricula for the different degree programmes as proposed by the respective departments and recommended by the Departmental Undergraduate Programme Committee (DUPC) shall have theapproval of the Senate. The departments would also prepare the syllabus of each subject containing the scope of studies and detailed instructions to be imparted which must have the approval of the Senate.
All subjects would have a lecture-tutorial-practical (laboratory/sessional) component (L-T-P) to indicate the contact hours. The tutorial (T) or practical/ Sessional (P) component may be absent in certain courses. Separate laboratory subjects (0-0-P) may exist in certain cases as decided by the Senate on the recommendation of the DUPC. All subjects will have a credit count 'C'. Teaching of subjects will be reckoned in terms of credits. One hour lecture or tutorial class is designated as 2 credits while one hour practical class is designated as one credit.
In each of the first year/ second year, there shall be non-credit compulsory Extra Academic Activity (EAA). The Extra Academic Activity may be N.S.S., N.C.C., or any other physical education. The curricula for B.Tech.programme includes compulsory Industrial training of 6-8 weeks duration after 6th semester in any reputed industry, research organization, IIT's and other reputed institutions which is assessed in the 7th Semester. The Project work will carry a total of 15-20 credits.
Post Graduate Programmes
Teaching for the courses is reckoned in credits. Due credit is given to lecture, tutorial (theory) and practical components for a given subject. Normally for M.Tech., first two semesters have theory and practical (laboratory) subjects while for MSc/MBA, theory courses are taught in all the semesters.
The 3rd and 4th semester mostly constitute the project work for M.Tech. while for M.Sc/MBA, the project work spans over the fourth semester. MBAstudents undergo a compulsory summer internship after second semester.
Project work and Seminar are essential part of the curricula. Class tests, assignments, tutorials, vivavoce, laboratory assignments, etc., are the constituent components of continuous assessment process and a student must fulfil all these requirements as prescribed by the teacher/coordinator of the subject.
Ph.D. Programmes
The Ph.D. programs at **NIT Silchar** offer advanced research opportunities across various disciplines, including Engineering, Science, Humanities, and Management. The institute provides a dynamic research environment with state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and funding support. Admissions are based on academic merit, entrance tests, and interviews. Scholars get the chance to work on cutting-edge research projects with industry and government collaborations.