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The Institute

Welcome to NIT Silchar

National Institute Of Technology, Silchar (राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, सिलचर) is one of the 31 National Institutes of Technology of India and was established in 1967 as a Regional Engineering College in Assam. In 2002 it was upgraded to the status of National Institute of Technology and was declared as Institute of National Importance under the National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007.

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Director's Message

With a vision to train and transform young professionals into responsible citizens engaging themselves for the betterment of the society, NIT Silchar has come a long way from being a REC to brand- NITS. The Institute aims to produce skilled and trained industry-ready professionals through imparting quality technical education and acts as the center of excellence for engineering and scientific research. Tremendous hard work, confidence and faith of all the stakeholders and well-wishers of the Institute encourage us to strive towards the zenith of academic excellence.

Being an integral part of the dynamic research community, NIT Silchar focuses on designing engineering and management programs that instil leadership and teamwork, and carries a global appeal. The undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. programs are regularly revised to comply with global technical developments and market demands. The Institute has bagged the 1st C-DAC Centre of Northeast India, established the first ever of its kind a High Performance Computing Centre in its sprawling campus and won the prestigious ASSHOCHSM awards for Best Engineering College in East India in February 2014.

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Prof. Dilip Kumar Baidya

Director, National Institute of Technology Silchar
4417 +


Campus life @ NIT Silchar


The National Institute of Technology Silchar was founded in 1967 as a regional engineering college in Assam. In 2002 it was upgraded to a National Institute of Technology and was taken over by the Government of India. It became a fully funded Central Government Autonomous Institution and today is one of the 31 National Institutes of Technology in India.

As its name suggests, the institute is located in Silchar, a city in the Indian state of Assam. It is Assam’s second largest city and is a popular Indian holiday destination. Silchar sits along the Surma River and is near the Bangladesh border. Today it functions as a trade and processing centre for the tea, rice and other agricultural industries. The city is rich with culture and history, with numerous temples and ancient architectural sites.

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